The landscape vision for the site is to provide high quality, functional and valuable green spaces that are connected to the surrounding area.

Project Holloway


Working closely with the client and design teams, London Borough of Islington and key community stakeholder groups, ExA’s proposals for the site of the former Holloway Prison will create an integrated and reconnected residential masterplan with 985 new homes. Holloway Village will include a 1.4-acre public park, a Women’s Building, new commercial spaces and a community nature garden.

The 4.2Ha site has been used as a prison since the middle of the 19th century. The landscape vision for the site is to provide high quality, functional and valuable green spaces that are connected to the surrounding area. Key to this is retention of the existing green heart of the prison grounds and opening up this historic site to the public for the first time. The proposed masterplan retains many of the best existing trees on the site, some of which pre-date the existing prison and are a living memory of the site’s history.

A legacy project

“We are extremely excited by the potential of this project and what meaning and memory these spaces might hold for new residents and the wider Islington community in the future. Our conversations so far have been rich and special, and we are very much looking forward to continuing to shape the future of these spaces with those who have used them previously, as well as into the future.” — Tessa O'Donnell

Project Details

Client: Peabody / London Square
Architect: AHMM
Scale: 4 Ha, 985 new homes


WAFX Award
Winner, 2022

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