Catering to the needs of the local community by adopting a user-led approach, Exeter River Valley has reclaimed its title as the areas green artery.

Exeter River Valley


Following proposed housing growth, we produced a masterplan that would improve access and recreational opportunities in the green artery of Exeter. Informed by an interactive survey of 110 park users, focus group meetings and a public engagement ‘visioning’ event, we ensured that the masterplan was led by the local community to create a scheme that would be beneficial and appreciated by those who use it.

By creating a mitigation strategy, new foot ways, routes and infrastructure have been created, allowing space for conservation.  This is supported by way-finding typologies, entrance way improvements and sustainable facilities such as toilets and cafes. The result is the rejuvenation of Exeter’s River Valley, easing increasing pressures on local green spaces through carefully considered design. 

Project Details

Client: East Devon Growth Point / Exeter City Council

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